Monday, August 30, 2010

How BHP Robbed Australia

What Saudi Arabia is to petroleum Australia is to minerals, Australia a continent on one of the slowest tectonic plates, mixed with a few asteroids over billions of years, has made Australia the Saudi Arabia of minerals. BHP is one of many companies who are mining these minerals and selling them for staggering profits to foreign countries. Now there has been plenty of criticism from towns and local communities who live near the mining sites, or towns who are about to be mined, and it would appear in a never ending cash grab the government labor/liberal is selling the non renewable resource hand over feet. What ever to appease the hand that feeds them tax money.

I'm not sure if it was a strategic move to fail or if he was plain stupid? but in another Kevin Rudd stuff up, he chose to tackle the giants of the mining industry in a time where job security was low. In a financially unsound time where BHP was announcing mammoth profits.

Its highly debatable talking point in Australia about the tax the government charges BHP and other mining companies, BHP say they did an independent study by KPMG, and claim they pay 42% in tax. BHP was a strong company even in the heart of the recession, sure their share price plummeted but they own virtually everything they do, they buy things because this helps to reduce their taxable income, which any smart company would do. Meaning 43% tax is after all their expenses and deductible items have been applied, its a golden ticket for CEO's and the board to grossly over spend to reduce their taxable income, the result the taxpayer misses out.

Let us set the record straight, the mining industry is one of the primary reasons Australia didn’t feel the full blow of the GFC, and is vital for the Australian people and government. What needs to be understood is the soil they mine is Australian soil, its a non-renewable resource, which means if Australia sells itself short then we will feel it for generations to come. In a time where china is buying up as many natural resources as possible it would be stupid to sell Australia short.

Lets say your neighbour comes over to your home and says he found an oil reserve in your back garden!!! you're not in the oil business and your neighbour suggests he will run an oil rig and you will split a percentage of the profits. Sound's great hey??? Now lets say your neighbour says, you have to buy all of the equipment, pay for staff and all expenses, for the oil rig including transportation etc and even though you pay for everything your neighbor is keeping it as his property. How much should you pay him for the privilege of drilling your new found fortune? What if other neighbours would be willing to give you 80-90% of the profits and they take 10-20%?. 10-20% isn't bad considering the oil well will bring in billions each year. What if your neighbor demands he gets 58%?

BHP wants 58% of the profit and they think they deserve more. Why? because they are comparing their business to standard company tax which is 30% plus GST. Since when did a normal company get their product paid for by the Australian people? I can’t start a car manufacturing plant, charge the government for all the components of the car and sell the car for profit so why can BHP sell our minerals?

BHP needs Australia, Australia doesn't need BHP, we are selling ourselves short. Even looking at it basically if 40% mining tax can keep Australia out of a recession then why aren’t we looking to take more of a percentage.

Kevin Rudd knew this and he played weak hand with BHP, he wanted to increase tax and BHP in purely a political move laid off workers and claimed the economic down turn along with government uncertainty had caused overseas countries to look elsewhere for minerals. This isn’t the case at all, BHP could have minimized their profits, taking into account the cost increase in minerals world wide, they could have contributed more to the country that lets them mine, and still returned a healthy profit to share holders. The decision to lay off workers was purely political, to create confusion and anger towards the government.. Why try and negotiate against a government when you can fire people and let them do the talking? Meanwhile BHP recorded another multi-billion dollar profit.

That's how BHP Robbed Australia

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Joke Glenn Beck's 8/28 Restoring Honor Rally

How can this be? how can a man who has clearly got the brain of a mentally challenged chiwawa stand in front of a crowd, and claim he is trying to restore honor? At this point I expect a mirage of Christians to bombard me with anti-socialist slogans and explain why ive been brainwashed. How in 2010 have we got news company owned by an Australian, creating propaganda on a level that even Hitler himself would of been proud of. Foxnews does nothing but create, non-stop 24 hour hate campaigns about an American President. Feeding propaganda lies to prevent virtually every change possible, then they victimize Obama for changing nothing? What happened to change? well at the moment it would appear its been paid into suppression. Im mind blown by the people who have jumped the Obama ship after 1.8 years of administration, most of you gave Bush 8 years to stuff it up and then only 1.8 years to rectify all problems?. Did people somehow feel in under 2 years that the president would be able to rectify a government so heavily ridden in corruption and bought politics that with a simple click of a button and the problem would be fixed?

Let me point some facts out, Lets draw a line between socialism, capitalism and corporate dictatorship monopolies, people seem blind to the difference yet it's one of the single most important problems America faces. I feel i have to explain this since it would appear alot of people dont understand.

Capitalism makes country's thrive, and if you work hard and you're slightly smarter than the competition then you will be rewarded, capitalist countries are always innovative, im PRO-Capitalism. 

Corporate dictatorship monopolies, is what you get when you take capitalism and you reduce regulation. If you let companies who sole motive is to profit, regulate themselves. Its the equivalent to allowing a pedophile run a child daycare centre and hope he doesn't molest the kids. You may not like the comparison but what else can you compare the Madoffs of this world too? or allowing BP to regulate their drilling, or Freddie mac and Fannie mae issuing loans, or the federal reserve not being accountable. 

Governments' need to regulate, its the only way to ensure steady, strong accountable growth. Without it you will just get more madoff's, without it people are dictated by companies and not ruled by a government. A government's job is to serve the people and they can't serve people without regulating... its simple. In short companies should be the chess pieces and the government should be the chess board which the companies play on, they are free to roam wherever they want as long as its on the chessboard. 

Foxnews has heavy interests in Corporate Dictatorship Monopolies, and Corporate Dictatorship Monopolies have heavy interests in Foxnews, hence the propaganda. 

Socialism is a word foxnews uses in order to scare people into thinking capitalism is under threat, but last time i checked you can still go down the street and start your own business, and you can choose who insures your car. Nope its not capitalism which is at threat, its Corporate Dictatorship Monopolies and foxnews is paid to try and stop it. Although Foxnews claims they are different to main-stream media, at some point people will clue into the fact, more people watch them than any other channel.. so FOXNEWS IS MAIN STREAM MEDIA. 

Its a con and it would seem a large proportion of the public have fallen for it.. So as you turn your channel to foxnews and watch Glenn Beck who is paid 30+ million a year, rant on about how capitalism is under threat, when he himself is exploiting it, think to your self... if he was honest about restoring honor why is he trying to prevent regulation which would allow it?

It would appear the Christians have a wolf amongst them in sheeps clothing..
Drill baby Drill...

The enemy isn't the puppets its Rupert Murdoch, who sold his soul, decency & dignity cheap... very cheap.