Monday, October 18, 2010

Who is Isildur1? What is Isildur? Idiot or Genius? I say Idiot

Isildur1 exploded into the online scene in 2009 and in doing so hit hard on some of the major players at Full Tilt, Tom Dwan, Phil Ivey etc etc. His fierce play and non forgiving style is nothing short of jaw dropping. Known to play up to 6 tables at once and risk millions in the process, and playing million dollar pots in a single hand. As with the territory Isildur1 has had huge highs and huge falls, and currently stands 2.5 million in the red but the question is who is he/she?

According to rumours its the Swedish player Viktor Blom, but I’m calling shenanigans, It could be anyone, maybe even… a publicity stunt by Full Tilt Poker? I was going to say it could even be a computer using algorithms to predict moves and players behaviours with the setting “Aggressive” permanently on but no logic can be brought to Isildur1 style of play so its definitely not a computer.

One thing is for sure; if you don't have the money to loose then you shouldn't play him/her/them. If it is a publicity stunt then it would give a reason why Isildur1 is so fearless and still remains anonymous.

If it is the young Swedish player Viktor Blom then some serious questions need to be raised. Mainly how does he have the money to refill 200,000 in a fraction of a second, and refuses to give an interview? It’s none of my business where he gets the money but it IS the responsibility of Full Tilt Pokers to make sure his money is not gray money and or the money is actually his.

Why is there respect in the poker world of high stakes poker players who play loose? Pushing runner, runner gut shots and re-raising off suit Anna Kournikova’s, playing as you would if it was free poker but with a 1.3 million dollar pot is just stupid. I like watching tactics, but someone consistently pushing all in using large sums of money to bully opponents shouldn't be respected unless they have the game play (not just money) to back it. Buying a ticket into a high stakes open table doesn't require skill, just money to blow. Is it that the players with the least respect of money the ones who get the greatest respect? If so WHY? Even if someone is bankrolling Isildur1 that person/company better have deep pockets, because I can easily predict even if he has some massive wins he will blow it within a short time and be back to the red. The Art of poker isnt always surfing the wave of win, its also knowing when to walk away and Isildur1 hasn't worked that one out at all. Pushing all in with King 2 of diamonds without hitting on the flop to win 1/1000th of your stack is nothing less than stupid.

Don't get me wrong when it comes to playing on physical table, respect can be given like watching Tom Dwan confuse everyone at a table or watch Gus Hanson bluff out a huge pot, or watching players Hollywooding and analysing each others style.. That requires skill. Pushing all in behind a computer screen is skill-less.

Until Isildur1 shows his/her face on the real tables, I’m thinking Isildur1 is nothing more than a publicity stunt. If so, congratulations Full Tilt Poker, you have created the best viral marketing possible, and that’s one impressive bluff. Apart from that, the only reason i want to see Isildur1 is to see who the idiot is.

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